Thursday, June 26, 2008


good to see Pens and Guns are on the same level
me: They are mightier than the sword.
Chuck: yeah, my cousin died from a grammatical error

Addendum: Loath as I am to say it, I partially agree with Scalia.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The 10:40

Seriously, HAM radio is worthless. It's not a viable method of communication. Sorry. For fuck's sake, you have a cell phone, and the internet, and land lines. Is it some kind of nostalgic thing? Do you get some thrill from perpetuating the existence of the most anachronistic technologies this side of the steam engine? Maybe it's the communication aspect. I, too, wish to talk to complete social deviants who just pine for company, and find it by talking into a box, but I just go to a bar. But thanks for posting your HAM call sign on the back of your car with stick-on mailbox letters. I'll give you a ring with my portable HAM.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Redefining warning.

Caption: An officer warns a resident to back off at a checkpoint in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

I would love to see the statute that says "you can't cross this with invisible line, and we are completely licensed to point a gun at your head to get the point across". Seriously. A warning.
I'm warned, and alarmed.

Edit: I like the hand on the hood. It's a nice touch. I guess the gun pointed at the head is, you know, a backup, a last resort, in case he can't physically stop the car using his SHEER MUSCLE POWER. Also, Ving Rhames in the background is a terrific addition. Why have the gun when you have Ving Rhames?